Gijs class
Gijs: In this class you will convert a part of The medium is the massage into a digital translation. Choose a chapter or a spread and translate it in 1 hour into a digital translation. How do you translate the printed, what do you do with the notion of the page? How do you handle the context of the written and what happens when this is translated? Do you choose a webpage, a digital poster, a gif, an epub or present it on your phone? Make it your own and fun. We will discuss the hybridity and present your translation in class.

Assignment 1
I translated a chapter from the book into an ePUB 3.0.
The layout is floating so it could be suitable to read on most all devices, and the reader can change the typeface, fontsize, colors, background etc. Because of all the settings the reader can adjust, it is a nice experience for them to read without having to zoom in and out all the time.
Assignment 2
- index to our collection